What you need to know about MBTI and why it works

Extravert. Introvert. Sure, we've all heard these terms, and might have assumingly assigned one to ourselves. Where do the terms stem from? How can we bi-pass stereotypes to get a deeper understanding of ourselves to better interact not only with the world around us, but find the space and confidence to in our sense ofContinue reading "What you need to know about MBTI and why it works"

The College Wellness Guide featured on Taming the High Cost of College Podcast – Listen today!

Big thank you to Brad Baldridge and his team from Taming the High Cost of College for hosting me on his podcast and bringing The College Wellness Guide conversation to the forefront. Listen to the podcast and check out his blog below! THCC Episode 163 – The College Wellness Guide

I’m a sophomore – how do I prepare for college?

Seniors, we love you. Yes, we know you're still applying to some regular decision college deadlines and yes, we saw you reviewing UC personal insight questions over Thanksgiving break to meet the November 30th deadline. Listen, we really do love you, but we feel it's time the sophomores get a little spotlight. Sophomores! It's yourContinue reading "I’m a sophomore – how do I prepare for college?"

My freshman is starting high school and I’m already freaking out about college

My freshman is starting high school and I'm already freaking out about college. It feels like we're already behind and I want to do what's best for my kid. You're not alone! Today we had our freshman orientation and provided our students with information on how to connect to the resources at our school. WithContinue reading "My freshman is starting high school and I’m already freaking out about college"

Creating your application accounts

Think of applying to college as a long road trip. You want to ensure you stop for gas, take some stretch breaks, and grab some snacks along the way. For me, it'd be a bag of Lesser Evil no cheese cheesiness popcorn and a coca cola, but that's beside the point. The point is thatContinue reading "Creating your application accounts"

Approaching the college application process

August brings a new cycle of college admissions. If you're a rising senior, structure your approach so you feel ready with a plan. The college app process can and will bring A LOT of extra opinions, judgements, and spark just an added undertone of stress. "It's a crazy year, admissions is getting more selective..." "NoContinue reading "Approaching the college application process"

Your Guide to Planning College Tours

Planning on visiting colleges over spring break or at some point this semester? Check out some tips below! Make a list of the colleges you're visiting in the area and have your dates ready. Go to each of the college's websites and search for their visit or campus tours page to see what is availableContinue reading "Your Guide to Planning College Tours"

When you’ve been rejected by your top choice college

Rejection never feels good. Even when you knew it was most likely a reach. Like, you knew the odds. You assessed your options, and yet, still, maybe, just maybe the decision would lean in your favor. It didn't. That's rough, and it kind of sucks. Really sucks. Couple that feeling with the impending unknown landscapeContinue reading "When you’ve been rejected by your top choice college"

College Research Tracker – Your free downloadable resource

As I meet with juniors, and sophomores, thinking about college options, information overload can easily happen! In the meeting, we'll discuss colleges, student goals, name a few recommendations, say our goodbyes, and then what? Here's an easy college research tracker, that you can download for free, and edit the columns as you go. What's niceContinue reading "College Research Tracker – Your free downloadable resource"

Why career counselors can be the hidden gem to enhancing your college search

Estimating chances of admission, researching colleges, and building a strategic college list is where we spend a good amount of time in the admission process. But there is one office on a college campus that is rarely talked about, especially in assessing if a college is a good fit for you or not. Career centersContinue reading "Why career counselors can be the hidden gem to enhancing your college search"